Are you looking for a church because you are new to the area, new to faith, or have recently decided you need a change?
Finding the right church can be tricky with several factors to consider.
We want to help you on your journey of finding Your Right Fit.
We care about all people, whether or not they attend our services. Our pastors at Grace Capital Church stay in regular contact with many New Hampshire pastors and are, therefore, well equipped to help you find a home church wherevever you live.
That is why we want to tell you about some of your choices in the NH Seacoast Area.
As you read this, it is important to know that there are many more great choices than those listed here! As Christians, we are all One Body of believers working together for the same purpose. Any church that teaches the Bible is a safe choice theologically. The purpose of this article is to give just a handful of area churches to help you get started on your search, but we encourage you to check out others as well.
First, let’s look at the Essential beliefs of Christian churches, as well as some important questions to ask yourself on your search.
And then, check out the List of what we think are 5 Of the Best Churches in the NH Seacoast Area.
If, after reading about each church, you want to get a better feel for any of them, I encourage you to listen to a couple of their services available online.
Essential Core Beliefs for Biblical Churches
- There is only One God and He is three-in-one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We are saved by grace, not works, only through the death (for the penalty for our sins) and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
Related: 3 Essential Beliefs all Christian Churches Share
Questions to Ask Yourself in Your Search for a Church
- Is the Preaching engaging and relevant for me?
- Does the music draw me into a place of worshiping and connecting with God?
- Do I feel welcome and see prospects for relationsips?
- Do the service times and meeting times for small groups work for my schedule?
- Will I be able to find a group of people who are going through a similar stage of life as I am? (parenting, singles, grief, retirees, young adults, divorcees, recovery from addictions or hardships…)
- Are there ways to volunteer that use my talents and areas of interest?
Related: 6 Tips for Choosing the Right Church For You
5 of the Best Churches in the NH Seacoast Area
1. Great Bay Anglican Church
Great Bay Anglican Church identifies itself as being Christ and Gospel-centered, loving Scipture, practicing the sacraments (i.e., baptism and communion), and being marked by the qualities of love, hope, joy, thankfulness, generosity, and hospitality.
Located in Durham, NH.
Service Times: Sundays 4-6pm in-person. Services each week include a meal, prayer, and Bible study.
Children's lesson and "intentional discipleship" is provided.
2. New Frontiers Church
New Frontiers Church identifies itself as “a multi-generational community...from different backgrounds and different nations...[seeking to] know Christ,...[proclaim] the gospel,...[help] the marginalized,...and bless the nations."
It is a multi-site church, with locations in Portsmouth, Somersworth, and Rochester, NH.
Service Times:- Portsmouth - Sundays at 10am in-person.
- Somersworth - Sundays at 10am in-person.
- Rochester - Sundays at 11:30am in-person.
Portsmouth - Children ages preschool - 5th grade. Space is also available for parents who would like to sit with their babies outside of the main gathering area.
Somersworth - Children ages toddlers - 6 years old.
Rochester - No childcare available. An age-appropriate activity area is available for caretakers and their children.
There is a youth group for 6th-12th graders, meeting on Saturday evenings.
Groups for adults meet throughout the week to discuss the sermons, develop relationships, eat, and participate in mission and service opportunities. Additionally, a discipleship and training program, life skills class, art workshops, recovery groups, and personal mentoring are available.
They offer community support services by way of a free cafe, clothing boutique, rides, and assistance in purchasing a car for those in recovery and financial need.
Interested volunteers can get involved in any of these misistries, as well as their community initiaves including Gosling Meadows outreach, refugee support, Lydia's House of Hope,and New Generation.
3. Great Bay Calvary Church
Great Bay Calvary Church identifies itself as "real peope serving a real God" with a mission to "go into the world, tell people about Jesus and live lives according to God's will."
It is located in Dover, NH.
Service Times: Sundays at 9am and 11am, and Wednesdays at 7pm in-person and online.
Classrooms/Childcare are offered during the Sunday services for ages 6-months - 5th grade.
Youth gatherings are offered for 6th-10th graders on Sundays at 9am.
There are groups meeting throughout the week for 11th graders - college age, young families, men, and women.
4. Restoration Church
Restoration Church identifies itself as "one of the best churches in the region to investigate the claims of Jesus, to grow in relationship with Him, and to join Him on His mission to reach Just One More."
It is located in Dover, NH (additional locations in Milton, Plymouth, and Bethlehem).
Service Times: Sundays at 10:30am.
Classrooms/Childcare are offered during the Sunday service for ages newborn - 5th grade.
Youth gatherings are offered on Tuesday from 6-8pm.
There are groups meeting throughout the week for adults.
Volunteer opportunities are available in the areas of Worship, Production, Hospitality, Online Hosting, Children and Youth Programming, Prayer, Security, and Administration/Facilities. Volunteers can also get involved with global missions and church planting.
5. Tri-City Covenant Church
Tri-City Covenant Church identifies itself as "a branch of the Christian church...guided by the Holy Spirit...[rendering] gracious service to all those who come through her doors...", and "a group of sinners turning to their Heavenly Father for hope, guidance, fellowhip and comfort."
It is located in Somersworth, NH.
Service Times: Sundays at 10am. Fellowship and refreshments are provided at 9:30am.
Classrooms/Childcare are offered on Sundays at 8:45am for all ages.
Additional Churches to Check Out:
- Grace Ministries International in Brentwood, NH
- Journey Church in Barrington, NH
- Durham Evangelical Church in Durham, NH
- New Life Community Church in Portsmouth, NH
Where to go from here
Finding a place to worship God and build relationships with other Christians is important for personal growth, as well as purpose and quality of life.
Please call or email us if we can help you on your journey of finding your best fit. Because our pastors cultivate relationships with many area leaders/pastors, they are a good resource for discovering the options.
We also invite you to visit us in person on a Sunday morning at 9am, 11am, or online.
Do you want to read more about what to look for in a church?
Check out these articles:
Do you want learn more about what it means to be a Christian?
Check out these article:
- How to Become a Christian in 2 Life-Saving Steps
- I am not a Christian, but am Interested in Jesus: What Should I do?
Are you looking for more information to help you narrow down what you want? Check out these articles: