Are you looking for a church because you are new to the area, new to faith, or have recently decided you need a change?
Finding the right church can be tricky with several factors to consider. We want to help you on your journey of finding Your Right Fit. We care about all people, whether they do or do not attend our services here at Grace Capital Church. Because our pastors stay in regular contact with many New Hampshire pastors, and because we minister to over 400 people attending Grace Capital, we are well equipped to help you find a home church.
That is why we want to tell you about some of your choices in the Greater Concord, NH Area.
As you read this, it is important to know that there are many more great choices than those listed here! As Christians, we are all One Body of believers working together for the same purpose. Any church that teaches the Bible is a safe choice theologically. The purpose of this article is to give just a handful of area churches to help you get started on your search, but we encourage you to check out others as well.
First, let’s look at the Essential beliefs of Christian churches, as well as some important questions to ask yourself on your search.
And then, we'll give you our list of reputable churches in the Greater Concord Area.
If, after reading about each church, you want to get a better feel for any of them, or of Grace Capital Church, I encourage you to listen to a couple of their services available on their websites.
Essential Core Beliefs for Biblical churches are, in a nutshell
- There is only One God and He is three-in-one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We ared saved by grace, not works, only through the death (for the penalty for our sins) and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
Key Questions to Ask as You Search for a Church
- Is the Preaching engaging and relevant for me?
- Does the music draw me into a place of worshiping and connecting with God?
- Do I feel welcome and see prospects for relationships?
- Do the service times and meeting times for small groups work for my schedule?
- Will I be able to find a group of people who are going through a similar stage of life as I am? (parenting, singles, grief, retirees, young adults, divorcees, recovery from addictions or hardships…)
- Are there ways to volunteer that use my talents and areas of interest?
3 of the Best Churches in the Greater Concord, NH Area
1. CenterPoint Church
CenterPoint Church identifies their services (and itself) as “casual in nature, but passionate about proclaiming God’s good news”.
Located in the heart of Concord, NH.
Service Times: Sundays at 9 am and 10:45 am in-person. An online option is available.
Classrooms/Childcare are offered for children ages birth - middle school.
There are groups throughout the week for moms, students, men, and young adults, as well as groups open to all adults during the 9 am service for “Bible study, prayer, caring, and service”.
Trained one-to-one volunteers, through Stephen Ministry, are available for individuals in a time of need due to a challenge or hardship that has arisen.
Volunteers serve on teams that assist with kids/students, worship arts, guest services, as well as the City Hope of New Hampshire Food Pantry which was founded by CenterPoint Church.
2. Epsom Bible Church
Epsom Bible Church identifies itself as “a gathering all about knowing our Redeemer deeper and living for Him more contagiously”.
Located about 10 miles east of the center of Concord, NH.
Service Times: Sundays at 8:30 am and 10:30 am in-person. An online option is available.
Classrooms/Childcare are offered for children ages birth - 5th grade.
There are groups throughout the week for middle school and high school students, young adults, women, and men. They also have a softball team.
Interested volunteers can join their hospitality ministry which provides “meals, cleaning, rides, and other miscellaneous services”. Their website also lists a couple of upcoming mission trips.
3. One Church
One Church identifies itself as being evangelistically focused on reaching “the most people in the shortest amount of time” through praying for “One person to share [God’s] love with every day”.
It is a multi-site church, including a location in Concord, NH.
Service Times: Sundays at 9 am and 10:30 am in-person. An online option with live chat is available.
Classrooms/Childcare are offered during the 10:30 am service for children nursery - 5th grade.
There are groups throughout the week for middle school and high school students, young adults, and adults of all ages, as well as groups for women only, and men only. Additionally, they offer Celebrate Recovery which is a Christian-based twelve-step program for individuals addressing personal “Hurts, Habits, or Hang-Ups”.
Volunteer opportunities are available in several areas, including production, worship, guest services, communications, and others.
Where to Go From Here
Finding a place to worship God and build relationships with other Christians is important for personal growth and quality of life.
Please call or email us if we can help you on your journey of finding your perfect fit. Because our pastors cultivate relationships with many area leaders/pastors, they are a good resource for discovering the options.
We also invite you to visit us in person on a Sunday morning at 10 am.
We are located about 3 miles from downtown Concord at 542 Pembroke Street in Pembroke, NH.
If you decide at any point to come check us out, I’d love to meet you! Ask at the “Info Hub” Kiosk in the Entryway, and someone can point you in my direction.
Do You Want to Read More About What to Look for in a Church?
Check out these articles:
- 3 Essential Beliefs All Christian Churches Share
- 6 Tips for Choosing the Right Church For You
- Top 5 Churches in the New Hampshire Seacoast Area
Do You Want Learn More About What it Means to be a Christian?
Check out this article:
How to Become a Christian in 2 Life-Saving Steps
Are you looking for more information to help you narrow down what you want? Check out these articles:
- Looking for the 'Right' Church? - Focus on the Family
- How do I know which church is the 'right church' for me?
